Wednesday 24 September 2008

Ensemble - WTF?

Is it just me or have Microsoft no fucking idea what they are doing anymore?

Currently the studio is finishing off a high profile Halo RPG "Halo Wars". Halo is the crown jewel of Microsofts gaming IPs. The franchise practically prints money and an RPG if good is going to spawn another revenue stream for Microsoft to plunder with sequels and DLCs

So what fuckwit thought of firing everyone at the studio responsible for this game 6 months before its due for release? I bet morale will go sky high now dickhead!

Could you have not kept it quiet for 6 months? the last 6 months of any game is crucial as this is crunch time for most projects. Developers will work stupid hours finishing the project for deadline and making sure everything is as good as it can be.

Now you have a developer with your best IP who couldn't give a shit if its any good or not as they still have no job at the end of the day. Will these guys be working overtime to get this thing out the door? No they will be off at 5 each day and then throw whatever is ready together and slap it on a DVD.

So well done Microsoft, another complete fuck up.

Another mod for WoW

This time in Halo fashion, fortunately it will never see the light of day.

In other news making good games costs good money.

Friday 22 August 2008

Offline WoW but with co-op

It's called Oblivion. Except it doesn't have co-op and it should.


We can only but wait for Fable 2 and hope it delivers the sort of co-op action RPG action we've all been waited for.

Because if it doesn't ...

*shakes fist in Molyneux's general direction*

Monday 2 June 2008

Second Post

Another forum for people to voice their angry and unimportant opinions on a world they can barley understand.
Your voice is only heard if someone is actually listening.

Obligatory first post

It is required by the internet (and my good conscience) that I make a sacrificial first post. Here it is.